
The 3 Mistakes New Business Owners Make

Being new to business means you’re going to make mistakes (and hopefully LEARN from them), but some mistakes can be deadly. 

The earlier you learn these mistakes from someone who has made them (ahem…not saying *I* made them *wink wink*), the earlier you hit the levels of success you know, deep down, you’re capable of.

Mistake Number 1: Adopting the Everywhere Method

Trying to show up “everywhere” spreads you thin and keeps your ideal clients from finding you because your content can’t come from a place of inspiration, but rather it will come from a place of “OMG I still need to post here and here and here!” 

If you want to double down on your marketing and get real results, instead of throwing spaghetti at the wall, do your market research and focus on ONLY 1-2 platforms where your ideal client hangs out.

Show up in those 1 or 2 places consistently and deliver massive amounts of value with each post and you’ll make a bigger impact on your ideal client.

The social media game is never won by someone who is trying to be everywhere all the time.

Mistake Number 2: Chasing Things That Don’t Concern You

Being distracted by Shiny Object Syndrome (yes, we all want that first 5K month, then 100K year, the new Tesla, weekends in Europe, etc etc etc…). 

But you don’t have to “live that life”, so to speak, to show your “success”. Don’t go chasing the things you see other people flaunting because you think you have to. 

Stay focused. 

Keep your head down and your eyes on the small celebrations along the way so you don’t end up frustrated, thinking you should be further along than you are. Because the moment you let that distract you, in that way, it can all fall apart. 

I know because I was once there. 

Coaches were flaunting their shiny things everywhere and I was like, “Oh! I need to do more of that!” And I fell down the rabbit hole of trying to do what they were doing, the next thing I know, I was in a slump so deep, I almost quit.

Then, I realized that I had not paid a bit of attention to what I HAD done for and with my clients. I didn’t realize I was ALREADY a success. 

When I got my head out of my a$$, my performance picked back up again and before I knew it, I was back to where I truly wanted to be with my business.  

Mistake Number 3: Playing the Diva

New business owners who are not willing to do the “grunt” work (aka the shit you don’t want to do) before they hire a VA or other niched hire often go into debt or even out of business because they try to skip over the heavy lifting at the beginning. 

You actually have to do the shit you probably don't want to do sometimes. 

I always say you have time or money at your expense, and in the beginning, it’s usually time. So that means you have to wear many hats before you, then, outsource some of it.

Of course, if there are things you cannot bring yourself to do or you’re not good at, I’m all about outsourcing, but just don’t be “too good” to do the not-so-fun shit, too, we’ve all done it.

It All Comes Down To You

Do the best you can. Focus on one platform and OVERDELIVER value on it. Focus on becoming the best that YOU can be without being swayed by everyone’s highlight reels. And lastly, focus on making the most of your money as a very precious resource by doing what you can and not outsourcing more than you need to in the beginning. 

Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a wife, stepmom, dog mama of three furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

How to Use Acuity to Scale Your Business

If you’re looking for a quick and easy system to set up for your business that will truly transform it, look no further than Acuity. It will drastically increase your efficiency, automate more in your business and change the way you work. What is Acuity? It’s a scheduling tool that functions as your personal assistant to book appointments, and packages with ease.

One reason why I love Acuity is that the learning curve is small. It’s really pretty self-explanatory and it will save you SO much time in your business. You’d be surprised how much time you waste with the back and forth of trying to book a call with someone and not to mention the potential lost business from someone looking for your services if you don’t have an easy way for them to connect with you.

Here are 5 features of Acuity that will help you to scale your business:

1. Automatic Appointment Scheduling

This takes away the back-and-forth “what’s your availability next week?” followed by “what time zone are you in?” emails that then can take days to actually get an appointment scheduled, in which your schedule may have changed. This cuts down on potentially missed leads, delayed meetings and time/frustration for both parties involved. You can embed your scheduling link on your website, and/or share the links on social media, via emails or DMs, etc. It simplifies everything to just send a link and say “here’s my calendar link, book at a time that will work for you!” You can go in and set your availability, block off days/times that don’t work for you, so it will automatically give your best availability in THEIR time zone and then the call will be automatically added to your calendar.

2. Pre-Screen Calls with Forms

The number one concern people have with having their scheduling link publicly on their website is the ability to “screen” calls before hopping on them. I get it, your time is precious - I feel the exact same way. That’s the benefit to using forms to screen your calls for you. You don’t have to use these for every type of call option you have, but if you have a link for someone to book a discovery call with you on your website, you can absolutely add questions that they have to fill out prior to being able to book the appointment. This way, you’ll weed out people who don’t feel like filling out the form to get on the phone with you and just want the “free call” and it’s here you can ask the right questions to make sure it’s a good fit for both parties.

The questions you ask can also give you better insights into who you’re getting on the phone with, their pain points and how you can serve them. This makes for a more productive call for BOTH parties. 

3. Multiple Appointment types (WITH CUSTOMIZATION)

This is a huge benefit compared to other scheduling platforms. You can create as many different appointment types as you want within Acuity - and you can customize the links. You can create a link for free discovery calls, coaching calls, paid one-off calls, etc. and link different forms (or no form) to each appointment type. You can also set a different schedule of availability for different appointment types. For example, maybe you only want to take potential new client calls on Mondays, and then client calls only Tuesdays and Thursdays - it’s super easy to set up these boundaries for each call type.

4. Reminders & follow up emails

You can easily set up reminder emails to go out automatically to reduce the likelihood of no-shows and missed appointments. You can set up email reminders and/or text reminders before your scheduled appointment. Similarly, you can send automatic follow-up reminders if you want to request feedback or send additional info about your services. These automations save time, and a delay in making sure you’re collecting or sending the right information to potential new clients.

5. Selling Paid Services or Packages 

Acuity makes it really easy to sell paid services or packages. You can set a price for a single appointment type, or you can create a package which is a series of calls someone can redeem with that package option. The benefit? It tracks all the calls in that package for you for each client. It also connects with both Stripe and PayPal, making it easy for clients to pay you.

Truly there are SO many customizations you can make within Acuity and that flexibility is so helpful and what makes it a superior platform compared to other scheduling tools out there. Added bonus - it syncs with your iCal, Google calendars, Outlook calendars, etc. so there’s no “double bookings'' on your calendar either. I have used many other scheduling platforms out there with clients and every time I switch them over to Acuity because it’s just THAT much better.

The only negative thing I’ll say about Acuity is that they recently changed their affiliate program and they say due to “tax laws” they can no longer pay people in more than half of the US - which is unfortunate since I literally sing this platform’s praises every day… but here I am still sharing and promoting it - so you know it’s gotta be good!

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Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a wife, stepmom, dog mama of three furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

4 Must Do Things in Your Business Before 2021

At the end of every year, I always take time to reflect on my business. It’s important to celebrate all the success that year brought, as well as analyze what went well and what didn’t for the year. I set goals, the really big and scary goals, for what I want the next year to look like and figure out what kind of support I’ll need along the way to do just that.

We all look at the new year as a “fresh start” or “new beginning,” which it certainly is, but it’s important that we don’t write off the end of the year, and instead use this time to get organized and put some things in place that will set you up for success in the new year. 

I don’t think 2020 looked like any of us thought it would, but with the unexpected also came so many blessings and things to be grateful for. I’ve never been more grateful to run my own business. Even if I lost my entire business tomorrow, I’m confident that I could restart and get new clients in the door pretty quick. That’s a testament to how far I’ve come over the last three years. So instead of being wary about what 2021 will bring from a business perspective, I’m excited to invest in myself and my business in new ways in order to grow.

So what can you be doing with the last couple of weeks of the year to generate momentum going into 2021? Here are 4 things to do before the year’s up.

1. Get systems set up in the backend of your business

Before you dive into everything you want to accomplish in 2021, make sure those systems are set up, now. This means evaluating your business now and seeing what you can automate, and how you can be more efficient. What are the things you’re still doing manually? Is there a tool out there that can do it for you? (Hint: there probably is) If you have no clue what you can automate or how you can systemize your business, snag one of my last 2 spots for Dec with my Systems with Speed intensive. I’ll help you strategize what you can automate and what that would look like, then I’ll do the heavy lifting for you to get it all set up. Learn more here.

2. Evaluate Your Business from 2020

Have you taken a step back to look at the goals you set for 2020 and evaluated how far you’ve come? Those goals may have shifted as you pivoted in March/April when COVID hit, but what did you accomplish? Before you move forward, you must take a few moments to look back. See what went well, see what you could use improvement on. From there, use this info to guide your 2021 strategy. Some things to consider when you analyze: financial goals, client/service offerings, mental health goals, boundaries and time management, team hires/growth.

3. Create a sales strategy for Q1 & Q2

Now that you’ve evaluated your success and learning opportunities for 2020, it’s time to create a 2021 sales plan. Set those big goals, then go bigger. Then decide what you’re going to sell in the first 2 quarters. Which of your products or services are you going to focus on? I’m a huge proponent of focusing on just a couple offerings and then having the “supplemental” services. It keeps things really CLEAR for your audience as to what you’re an expert on. You can always offer the other services as an upsell, or another way to work with you in your funnel, but clearly identify those main service offerings to direct your time, focus and energy.

4. Hire support NOW

Support is critical for growth and success. If you want to be at that next level, it’s going to take more of YOU and you’re going to need to outsource some of what you’re currently doing to a team for support. So if you don’t feel ready, do it anyways. You can have a surplus of time or money, but often not both. Give yourself some time back by outsourcing the things that either a. you’re not good at or b. are repetitive in nature that someone else can do for you. Also, consider hiring someone who can help guide you to that next level. Hiring a business coach was the BEST thing I ever could have done to uplevel my business. It’s always nice to have someone who’s been there before, and gone through it to fast-track your results. If you are looking for 1:1 support, I am taking on 6-month clients right now and would love to support you. Learn more here.

If you focus on these things to wrap up the year, I promise you’ll feel organized and aligned in your business -- and there’s no better feeling than that going into a new year!

Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a wife, stepmom, dog mama of three furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

How to Work Efficiently During the COVID-19

I think it’s safe to say that we’re all experiencing something that we never saw coming in our lifetime. This pandemic seems so surreal (while I know it is very real). It is one of those things that, at least for me personally, I thought only realllllly happened in movies. I just keep saying “it’s weird times we’re living in.” But the thing is, this is going to be our new reality for a while. 

First of all, I want to acknowledge that it’s okay if the last week has been shit. It’s okay if you’re crazy bummed about this impacting your vacation plans, birthdays, weddings, pregnancy / delivery, etc. Because guess what? It totally sucks. We’re canceling our long-anticipated, 2-week European honeymoon to Italy and Greece in June now because of it. And I’m super bummed. I’ve been planning this trip for 2 years, and dreaming of it for more than 10. This was supposed to be our time together before making babies and focusing on prioritizing life things like a house, babies, careers, etc. I know we’ll never get *this* trip again. And while there are SO many things I am so grateful for right now, and others I know are experiencing far “worse” losses, this is still my reality, and it’s still a huge loss to me.

Dealing with all of this is hard. It feels like our freedom is being taken away to some degree. I totally recognize and understand the need for the quarantine and the world basically shutting down... but it’s just... shitty. If you’re feeling the weight of the world right now, I see you, I feel it too. But I’m trying my best to focus on the “new normal,” and to adjust as best as possible to the change. While there are so many new distractions - kids home, partner working from home, simply staying home and going stir crazy, the news, etc. - I think this is a time to focus on efficiency. Getting shit done efficiently so that we can deal with the rest of what’s going on. 

I’ve put together a few tips for navigating these uncharted waters and how you can work efficiently during Covid-19. 

Tip one:

Find a new routine. Maybe it means getting up a bit earlier to get some work done before your kids get up. Or maybe it means you work in time blocks so you and your hubby can split the childcare watching/office space. But we thrive on routines as humans so find something that will work for your new normal for a bit, write it out and stick to it!

Tip two:

Repurpose old content and directly relate it to what’s going on right now. This way you don’t have to recreate the wheel. Look at stuff you’ve already written or shared and provide a fresh perspective. This will save you lots of time not having to come up with any new content. Plus, everyone is focusing on COVID-19 right now, so any other content is likely to get lost. 

Tip three:

Set a timer for a task to get shit done by the time it goes off. When it goes off move on to the next thing on your to-do list. This tricks your brain to create that sense of urgency to get shit done. This also will allow you to have work time + playtime with your kids (or learning time, if they're out of school, like for forever, like mine is). I’ve tried really hard to focus in those short pockets to be able to accomplish MORE in less time. This seems like a good habit that can stick around long after COVID times are over.  

Tip four:

Set small, attainable daily goals. Don’t try to save the world or worry about coming up with the next way to make you 100k today. Now is not the time for all that. Focus on 3 things you can get done TODAY and then work to check off those 3 things by the end of day. Use a project management tool like Asana to help you prioritize those top 3 things and keep everything else in the queue.

Tip five:

Outsource more. I am a huge fan of outsourcing all the things - including cleaning, laundry, meal prep, etc. While that may not be possible to outsource some of those home things right now, outsource more work. Especially if you need the TIME back. There’s a lot of people looking for work right now, so don’t be afraid to ask for help! This will reduce your stress and you’ll be able to accomplish more in less time.

Now I am not an expert by any means, these are just some of the things that have helped me. They’re things that I try to do when I feel super busy, have a lot going on or am just simply distracted. Now is one of those times. If you have any tips that are working for you, please share! I know we can all benefit from working together during this crazy, weird time. 


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a wife, stepmom, dog mama of three furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

Getting Started Right: Systems and Processes to Save You Time, Stress and Money

There is something to be said about taking messy action and figuring things out along the way. I’m on board with that. We all have to start somewhere and trust me, you’re never going to have all the answers, the perfect plan or the prettiest website (in your head) before you take that leap. So, of course, I’m on board with taking the leap of faith when you have no clue what you’re doing, you just know you can’t stay where you are.

BUT. Of course, there’s a but. There’s also something to be said about having a good foundation set up to help your business run well, saving you time, stress and money. Investing in setting up your systems from the get-go is not only a smart way to spend your money but also so necessary to grow. Having established, well-oiled systems in place will give you more confidence in your business and also position you as an established business owner who has their shit together.

This is why I love my systems intensives. I can accomplish so much in such a short period of time for my clients. It’s a total game-changer for their business. If you want more of a DIY approach, here are my top recommendations for what processes/systems to put into place and the tools you can leverage.

Onboarding / Off-boarding

Start by writing out your process (or ideal process) from the moment someone makes contact with you to the moment they decide to work with you to the first steps once you begin work with them through off-boarding them as a client. Get extremely detailed at each step. Think about any information you’ll need to collect from them, how you’ll correspond, or if you’re a designer how many rounds of revision you’ll include, any calls you will need to schedule, emails you typically send, etc. This is called a workflow. A lot of times there’s things in here you can automate.

I highly recommend using a system like Dubsado to set up a workflow to automate as much of your onboarding process as possible. You’ll have the ability to create canned emails, contracts, proposal templates, payment schedules, etc. that will save you so much time with each new client. I also recommend a project management tool such as Asana. You can create templated projects here to serve as checklists when working with a new client. This will also help to keep you on track to your deliverables with ease and create a seamless onboarding experience for a new client to feel confident in your work together. 


Automating scheduling is probably the easiest thing you can set up in your business to save yourself the back-and-forth with potential clients (potentially leading to a missed opportunity). You want to make it as easy as possible for someone to schedule time with you. You can always add pre-qualifying questions to a form to weed out low-quality leads.

I personally use and love Acuity for scheduling. It’s so easy and you can add multiple “calendars” for different types of services you offer, even with custom times/schedules for each. For example, if you only want to take discovery calls on Mondays and Wednesdays and client calls on Tuesday and Thursdays you can set this up through the platform to showcase that availability to your clients and potential clients. Rather than a back and forth email series about availability, you can simply send your scheduling link to someone to book at a time that works for them (AND YOU). It will sync with your existing calendar and send reminders to those you have appointments with to reduce missed appointments. Other scheduling apps out there are Calendly, Dubsado, and Satori. I love how robust the Acuity platform is which is why that’s the one I typically recommend.

Proposals, Contracts, and Invoices

If you’re still manually updating your proposals, contracts, and invoices - stop. There’s a better, faster way. Besides scheduling, this automation sequence is easy and a must-do. Again, I use Dubsado for this and create an automated workflow where all you have to do is push a button and it’s all done for you. You have the ability to create proposals with custom options, contracts per service you offer or simply one generic contract, as well as invoices that you can customize per service offering or proposal, payment plans/schedules and recurring invoices each month.

Email Marketing 

There are so many different email platforms out there and honestly setting up your email automation can be daunting. But as I mentioned in a recent blog post, your email list is your biggest asset, so you want to nurture those on your email list well. You own your email list. They’re your warm leads, so providing relevant, timely and consistent information to them is important.

I suggest setting up a couple of simple automations including a simple welcome sequence and a freebie sequence funneling into your paid offer. I go over multiple different email automations you can read more about here. In terms of what platforms I recommend, my new favorite is FloDesk as it’s visually appealing and so clean. I also would recommend ActiveCampaign and ConvertKit.  

Content Marketing

Consistent content is important to build your know, like and trust factor with your audience. So putting in place a content marketing process is extremely important to stay consistent. Content marketing doesn’t have to be as time-consuming and daunting as you may think. Create a plan and REPURPOSE. For example, you could create a video, use a transcription service to break it down to text, turn that into a blog, share part of that in your email newsletter and break the blog down for social content. Determine your timing, I.e. new content weekly or bi-weekly, and then stick to it. Schedule it in as a meeting just like you would with a client. 

While establishing processes and setting up systems can seem overwhelming, once you have everything set up your business will flow with ease. Streamlined processes free up your mind and your time to focus on actually serving your clients, generating leads and building relationships. The stuff that will directly make you money.

I recommend either setting aside some time to establish these as early in your business as you can. It doesn’t mean that you can’t adjust or change these along the way, we’re always tweaking and improving throughout our entrepreneur journey. You’ll learn and up-level and new processes will need to be put into place or old ones optimized for your growth and workload, or change of business.

If you’d rather not deal with the frustration of trying to figure it all out yourself, I highly recommend my 5 hour systems intensive. I love this sort of stuff and promise to save you time, as well as optimize your processes alongside you to create efficiencies you didn’t even know were possible. Book a discovery call to chat more here.


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a wife, stepmom, dog mama of three furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

There IS a right time to take that next step… here’s HOW

Starting a business seemed SO overwhelming and scary. Where do you start? How do you just start a business? What do I need to know or do? It seemed like so many things that I didn’t know how was I ever going to actually get started?

I leaned on others who HAD started businesses and guided me through the steps to help me get up and running. Here’s the thing. You can’t screw it up.

As your business grows there comes new anxieties, worries, frustrations that arise and maybe you find yourself feeling some of those same emotions you felt when you started your business. What’s next? How do I get to that next level? While I still believe you truly can’t screw it up no matter what you do because every step you take is a learning experience in and of itself, I think there can be a right time to take the next leap.

Here are some things to consider when you’re looking to take your business to the next level:

  1. Time

Do you constantly feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day to get everything done? Or maybe your to-do list keeps spilling over day-to-day with more things constantly added. Evaluate your time. Track it. What are you spending most of your time on and does it move your business forward? Time is one of the MOST VALUABLE, if not THE MOST valuable asset you have in your business. So if you’re finding yourself spending most of your time on activities that do not drive your business forward, I’d say it’s time to outsource those activities.

2. Money

Everyone values money differently. What value do you place on money and is your relationship with money positive or negative? In my opinion, money is energy. And where you put your money your energy flows. We all could find so many reasons NOT to invest or take that next step in your business, but when it comes to money, you have to truly BELIEVE in what you’re spending your money on or investing in. You can always make more money and if you let your fear of making a bad investment stop you from taking that next step in your business then you’ll always be stuck right where you are. Because let’s face it… in order to take that next step and grow, there will likely be some sort of cost associated with it. But instead, think of what you will get in RETURN - more time? Less frustration? More accomplished in a day? While money should absolutely be a consideration as you make that next step in your business, it shouldn’t be the only consideration or thing that is holding you back.

3. Knowledge

Will this investment give me more knowledge to help me better serve my clients or run my business? If you’re looking to become more knowledgeable about a particular subject or learn a new skill or tool for your business - by all means invest in that course, program or coach to do so. BUT I challenge you to also ask yourself if it’s truly knowledge you NEED or can benefit from fully in the long run, vs. outsourcing to someone else who has that knowledge already. The other question to ask yourself is, is this something you WANT to know how to do? Sometimes I think we feel obligated to learn something because it’s what “everyone else in the industry is doing” when maybe we don’t really have any interest in it at all. Knowledge isn’t always power if you don’t DO anything with that knowledge.

4. ROI

Before you make any sort of investment, think about the return that will come from that investment. Maybe you don’t know to what extent that return will be, or how fast - but those are the questions you should be asking. Is this investment, or the next step a short-term gain or long-term gain? For instance, I believe my 5-hour intensives are a huge short-term gain if you’re in need of getting some systems set up in your business to increase your efficiencies on the backend of your biz. On the other hand, if you’re looking to invest in public relations to get your name out there and hopefully score some press coverage, that is absolutely a long-term gain and strategy. Those results cannot happen in 5-hours or 5 days. So you have to be aware of the type of return you’re going to get from your investment and be clear on the timetable and decide if that feels good to you.

5. Efficiencies

Will this investment create greater efficiencies in your business? Y’all know I am ALL about being efficient. I hate wasting time on things that don’t matter. I don’t create shortcuts, I create efficiencies. Being efficient means that you’re “achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.” So will this investment help you be more productive with less wasted effort or expense? Remember this includes time too because time is money.

6. Support

Do I need more support right now? Will this investment and next step make me feel more supported in my business? How will more support give me the ability to grow my business? Having the right support team is crucial for long-standing success as an entrepreneur. This journey is full of ups and downs and sometimes those next steps are scary and the right support team will help you to feel empowered to do more and show up as your next level self. Whether it’s support from a coach, VA, OBM, project manager, bookkeeper, etc. what support is important when taking the next step in your biz.

7. Priorities

Evaluate your business and life priorities. What is at the top of your list. Does this next step/investment in your biz align with your current priorities? For example, for me this fall I’ve had this nudge to hire a business coach to help me take my business to that next level. Someone to support me, brainstorm with me, give constructive criticism, work with me on mindset, etc. but I decided to wait until December/January to move forward with that decision. Why? Because I’ve had a lot on my plate this year especially planning a wedding and I knew I couldn’t show up the way I want to when I hire a coach. I knew I didn’t have the extra time and attention needed to drive my business to that next level currently. And guess what, that’s okay!! I am so proud of and happy with my business and where I’m at currently and the clients I get to serve and once my priorities shift a little bit here soon, I’ll be able to take that next step.

8. Goals

What are both your short and long term business goals? Will this next step and investment get you closer to those goals? How? Be specific! Always keep your goals in mind when you decide to take the next step in your business. Maybe it’s a certain type of lifestyle you want to achieve? Maybe it’s hitting a certain income level or doing something you’ve always wanted to do. There are so many different types of goals, but just make sure your next step aligns with at least one of them.

As you evaluate your next investment, think through this list. I think that will let you know if now is the right time to take that next step for that specific investment you want to make… or maybe it’s enlightened you to take a different approach or step first.

Let me know if this was helpful as you look to grow your own business and share this post with a friend!


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a soon-to-be wife, stepmom, dog mama of two furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

This 5 Step Process will Help you Analyze Your Business and Drive Consistent Results

Creating the campaigns and new programs, helping your clients succeed and get massive results, launching your latest project -- all super sexy, fun and exciting things, right? That’s what we all love doing in this business - creating and seeing our clients get success… BUT for all the exciting things, there’s a handful of stuff behind the scenes, the unsexy things that we must do to drive our business forward. Because the truth is that without the unsexy stuff, we can no longer do the fun, exciting stuff well.

One of the unsexy things you should be doing consistently in your business is ANALYZING it. For every launch, new campaign, social media or marketing initiative, you need to be reviewing the data to see how it performed. Use this 5 step process to help you analyze your business to see quicker results.

  1. Go back to your goals

The first step in analyzing your results - whether it be from a launch, social media strategy or just overall biz growth - is to go back to your goals. What were you trying to achieve? A certain level of awareness? A specific number of people signed up for your new program? Hitting a certain income goal? A number of new followers? Etc. Every specific strategy and tactic in your business should be connected with an overarching goal and a specific way to measure that goal’s progress. Otherwise, you won’t know what’s working and what’s not.

2. Pull the Data

So many platforms these days have built-in analytics tools to help you gather and pull the data needed to analyze your business. Google, Squarespace, Wordpress, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, ActiveCampaign, etc. all have built-in analytics tools that will break down your data in whatever time period you’d like. A lot of tools actually allow you to compare to another period of time too so you can see how you’re doing month-over-month, or from one campaign to the next.

3. Determine what went well and what didn’t

Pulling the data is the easy part. It’s figuring out what the data means that can be the hard part. Impressions, referrals, open rates, exit rate, engagement, traffic -- these all can be really confusing terms. A general rule of thumb is that the higher the number, or percentage, the more successful it was. But, if you started from scratch, then all of your numbers will likely be up. So, what you truly want to look at is the little details. What posts were the most popular? What time of day did you get the most email opens? Which subject line performed best? What price point or package was the most popular for people who signed up for your course? Where did people drop off on your website? What ads drove the most traffic back to your website? Look for patterns. See what tactic may have worked the best, and what didn’t perform very well.

4. Make necessary tweaks or adjustments

Once you figure out what worked and what didn’t, it’s time to make notes and adjustments. If you’re analyzing a campaign, maybe you needed more time to promote, or maybe the places you did promote didn’t convert. Think about what you could do differently next time, or what you could amplify that went well and take notes. If you launched a new marketing strategy you’ll analyze and tweak in the same way.

For example, over the last three months or so I launched a new Instagram strategy in my own business to gain more followers. I’ve done this completely organically because relationships and authentic followers matter to me. So far I’ve been focusing on liking, commenting and following people that are in my target audience based on hashtags. This has helped me to grow my following, but my engagement hasn’t gone up as quickly. Therefore, I had to tweak my current strategy to make sure I was also equally engaging with my current followers as I am with new potential followers. This will hopefully, in return, drive up my engagement on my posts.

5. Set New Goals

When you set goals they’re usually (if you’re setting SMART goals) measurable and applicable to a specific time period, event or campaign. Once you analyze the results of that campaign you’ll likely need to set new goals. Maybe they’re similar to the first goals you set, or maybe you crushed those and you realize you need to set even BIGGER goals. By consistently analyzing and goal setting, you’ll make sure you’re not staying complacent in your business and instead of growing and seeing consistent results.

Results aren’t always QUICK. But as long as you’re seeing consistent progress from the set goals, analyzing and refining model, you’ll see greater success over time. This is something I like to do on a monthly basis just to understand at a baseline level where I’m at. I usually recommend a 3-6 month “trial” period to determine if an overall marketing strategy is working… but I like to keep tabs on things on a monthly basis to start to notice trends along the way. Are you analyzing your business consistently?


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a soon-to-be wife, stepmom, dog mama of two furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

3 Organization Things to Stop Doing

Do you consider yourself a super organized person? Or do you constantly feel like you’re in a perpetual state of “trying to get organized”? Staying organized can sometimes feel like the biggest challenge in your business! With so many different tools out there between content management systems, appointment management software, virtual to-do lists, accounting tools, content management platforms such as Dropbox or Google Drive, etc. it’s enough to confuse and overwhelm you.

I have always considered myself to be super organized, I think it’s the type A personality in me. What I lack in creativity, I make up for in organization. Sidenote, was anyone in the T.A.G. program at school when you were younger? Stands for Talented and Gifted. I tried testing into T.A.G five times, FIVE freaking times. And I never was allowed in because I didn’t pass the creativity part of the exam. I’ll never forget that because I was SO frustrated and asked my mom why I wasn’t good enough just because I wasn’t creative? I’ve known since elementary school what my strengths were, I just didn’t know how they would play out in this world. I can tell you that not being “creative enough” has served me plenty well in my life because now I am able to create massive impact and partnerships WITH my creative business owners/clients.

You need BOTH people in this world and that’s why I am here to help you truly get organized and share with you the few things you’re doing WRONG when it comes to organization.  

  1. Quit trying ALL the platforms.

Don’t jump from one platform to the next. There’s typically a learning curve with each platform so you’re truly wasting time by trying every new platform that hits the market. You also likely can find 2-3 platforms to take care of everything for you. Don’t give yourself more busy work going to all the places to organize your shit. Dive into tutorials on the platforms you are already using. Google/YouTube is your best friend.

2. Don’t recreate the wheel.

Seriously, just do what tried-and-true method works for you! If you do better with a written planner, stop trying to use a digital one. Just write everything down and refer to that thing like a bible. Set up systems and processes for everything and just stick to it. I like assigning myself recurring tasks in Asana to remind me to do those monthly/weekly things. Sometimes I feel like we put a process in place and then we’re constantly tweaking it or reworking it until we feel like it’s perfect - but, honestly, it’s probably never going to be perfect. Just get something in place and stick to it!

3. Stop trying to do it all.

Hire help. We’re not meant to do this whole entrepreneurship thing alone. Every successful business has a team of people behind it helping drive it’s success. If you’re not an organized person, hire someone (like me :)) to help you GET organized and manage that part of your business. Or, if there’s another area of your life where you feel like it’s just chaotic - outsource there. Hire that nanny or cleaning lady or purchase pre-cooked meals from your local health food shop. Reduce the overwhelm and clutter in your life so you can focus on the things that drive your business forward.

Organization is critical for success. Can you have success while being a #hotmessexpress, YES, but I promise you that organizing your life and your business will give you more room, more space, more time and less worry, anxiety and mess - therefore allowing you to truly flourish!

And if I haven’t told you lately, it’s time to Get Your SH!T Together! I have one opening for my OBM 1:1 client work. If you’re interested in finding support, getting organized and making the next big investment in your business to drive it forward, let’s chat! Book a discovery call with me today! 


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a soon-to-be wife, stepmom, dog mama of two furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

4 Mistakes You’re Making when Building Relationships on Social Media

Building relationships whether it’s through social media or out in everyday life, is so important for not only our business success, but for our personal enjoyment as well. I genuinely enjoy meeting new people, connecting with others and building relationships in my life. As a “people person”, it comes naturally to me to engage with others and nurture those friendships, but I know that’s not true for everyone.

Building relationships in an office environment or with your clients in the corporate world is too easy. You have the environment and framework set up for you to nurture those relationships. In the online world, it’s a totally different beast. Even for someone who considers themself an outgoing, “people person”, I have found it to be a challenge to build trustworthy, long-standing friendships online at times. Building genuine relationships online can be hard. Everyone wants to sell you something and not everyone’s intentions are genuine. Now I’ve built some great virtual friendships with entrepreneurs online, but I’ve also gotten plenty of annoying spam-y messages in my inbox too.

So, here’s the deal, I am sharing with you the top 4 mistakes you’re making when trying to build a relationship online, and what to do instead to build a genuine connection.


What to stop: Cold messaging

Coming from a girl who used to work the MLM business hard, I’m pleading with you to stop the cold messages. This is an immediate turn off and not a way to build someone’s trust. It feels a bit intrusive to be honest to have someone pop up in your inbox that you don’t even know. I can’t tell you the amount of people that friend me from seeing my post in a Facebook group and then immediately messaging me when I accept. Y’all, this is NOT the way to do it.

What to do instead: I am all for meeting new friends in the online space, but why don’t you do it where you make that initial connection. So if it is a Facebook group, build your connection there. Comment on their posts/photos in the group. Start engaging with their comments on other’s posts. Follow their business page. But don’t immediately friend them without making a prior connection first. People will be more receptive to your friend request down the line when they feel like you’ve built some sort of relationship inside the group first. It feels safer. It is less intrusive. It just feels more genuine vs. thinking you have an agenda or want to simply sell them something.


What to stop: Immediately offering a freebie in your DMs

Do you really have success with this? Offering freebies is GREAT, and I have one of my own, but I don’t friend people and message them immediately and tell them they should download what I have to offer, because IT’S FREE! That is not relationship building, that is spam. Even if I was interested in what you have to offer, you have not built that know, like and trust factor yet, or even a personalized message as to why you think this would help me because you haven’t spent 5 seconds getting to know me.

What to do instead: Once you’ve engaged with someone in the “place” where you met them online, start a conversation. Get to know their business and what they do and potential pain points related to the area you serve. Have a dialogue. This goes for both Facebook or Instagram messages. Connect first before you offer. 


What to stop: Pitching your services up front

I totally understand the urge to reach out to someone and pitch your services if you see something they post that you feel like you can help with. But guess what? There’s probably 10 people that can also help that person. Don’t simply comment on a post pitching yourself (unless asked to). This just makes the person overwhelmed and really does not help them at all with their problem. Okay cool, you have the (potential) solution, but why should they hire you? 

What to do instead: Provide value. Simple as that. People are going to be interested in someone who truly HELPS them. Demonstrate your knowledge and expertise. Give a bit of helpful information that they can use and then they’ll likely come back to you as the expert.

What to stop: The like/follow/unfollow cycle

Why is this still a thing? I think we’re all moving beyond the idea of having more followers means you’re more powerful or influential. I am all for engaging on others posts, and liking and commenting and trying to increase your followers, but don’t do it with the intention of trying to get someone to follow you and then unfollowing them a week later. This does not serve you in the long run, nor is it building any sort of relationship.

What to do instead: Like, comment, follow people who you genuinely want to work with or learn from. Invest in people and they’ll invest in you. Learn what they do, what they’re offering, what they’re struggling with and provide value or encouragement on their posts.

Building genuine connections online takes work! You truly have to have an abundance mindset and want to invest in others. I love supporting other women in business whether or not they ever purchase from me. If you are struggling in this area and feel more like it’s a competition, I suggest you do some mindset work on this specifically because there are plenty of ideal clients out there for everyone!

In my opinion, building a genuine relationships should look something like this (specific to Facebook): engage in a group through comments and likes for a few weeks, add as a friend, comment and like posts for a few more weeks, THEN you can reach out via direct message to continue to cultivate that relationship, if/when the timing feels right THEN you can invite them to an upcoming challenge or send them a freebie or pitch them. But I can promise the conversation may naturally go that way vs. you giving a templated “sales pitch.

How do you build relationships online?


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a soon-to-be wife, stepmom, dog mama of two furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.

How Personal Development Helps me Better Serve my Clients

Over the last few years, I’ve become quite well-acquainted to the personal development world. I was first introduced to it when I started out as a Beachbody coach actually. It is considered one of the “vital behaviors” meaning an important behavior you do every single day. I thought reading these “self-help” books was the stupidest thing ever and was so embarrassed to actually tell people I read them, so I didn’t. I didn’t tell people I read them, and it actually took me awhile to finish the first book, You are a Badass by Jen Sincero.

But the funny thing is, the thing we’re typically most resistant to is the thing we oftentimes need the most. After that book, my perspective changed. I felt different. I started to crave those 10 minutes of reading and slowly, over I would say the course of a year if not more, I noticed changes in myself and how I saw the world around me. I began working on myself more and realized that I really was comparing myself to others, had a lack/scarcity mentality and truly cared what others thought more than my own opinions. It truly opened my eyes to a whole new world and way of living.

What I realized was, you don’t know what you don’t know. We all have to be willing to step outside our comfort zone, listen to others and learn from others who are more successful than us.

I want to share with you how personal development actually helps me to better serve my clients:

  1. I’m a better human

    Seriously though. I have come a long way and honestly don’t think I could run my own business if I hadn’t started reading personal development/self-help type books. I am so much calmer, empathetic, compassionate, supportive, confident and empowered because of the things I’ve learned from personal development. I can handle stress better, and serve my clients with a mindset of things are happening FOR ME, not TO ME. So no matter what happens in my biz, or my clients biz, I can handle it much better than with the lack mentality mindset I had before.

  2. Share key learnings

    I listen to podcasts and books from some of today’s top business leaders and take what I learn and implement it not only in my business, but my clients as well. I truly believe that in order to be successful in this life, and to have a business that stays relevant, you have to be a lifelong learner. You have to evolve and your business does too. There’s always things we could be doing better, ways we could be serving better. So therefore, I take what I learn whether it’s a skill or new program idea, or even just a shift in the way I look at a problem and implement it into my business and my clients - and oftentimes share what I learn with them too to help them grow.

  3. SERVING not servicing

    I read a blog once that asked “Are you serving your clients, or just servicing them?” Wow, gut check, right? This made me think - am I just checking boxes to get stuff done, or am I building relationships, going above and beyond, thinking about their business needs and how I could help them improve and grow? We get our car serviced. We SERVE our clients by building a relationship - they are not objects that we service. Personal development has allowed me to ENRICH my life and my clients lives to be able to better SERVE them.

If you haven’t dove into personal development, I encourage you to give it a try. Below is a list of some of my favorite books if you want to pick one and start from there! If you are an avid PD listener or reader, what are some of your favorite books? Do you have one that totally changed your life?

Personal Development Book Recommendations:

  • You are a Badass by Jen Sincero

  • Girl, Wash Your Face by Rachel Hollis

  • Girl Code by Cara Alwill Leyba

  • The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson

  • The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein

  • Like she Owns the Place by Cara Alwill Leyba

  • Failing Forward by John C. Maxwell

  • Start with Why by Simon Sinek

  • The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

  • The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon

  • No Limits by John C. Maxwell

  • Anxious for Nothing by Max Lucado

Top Podcast Recommendations:

  • Goal Digger (Jenna Kutcher)

  • The Life Coach School (Brooke Castillo)

  • Rise (Rachel Hollis)

  • Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations (Oprah)

  • LITerally (Lacey Sites)

  • Chardonnay and Slay Your Business (Jamie King)

  • Style Your Mind (Cara Alwill Leyba)


Katelyn Hamilton is an Online Business Manager and Get Your Sh!t Together Strategist. She helps busy entrepreneurs organize, strategize and prioritize their business to go from overwhelmed to out-in-front.

After spending 6 years in the corporate world working with multimillion dollar companies, top-rated chefs and celebrities, she launched her own business to find more flexibility and freedom. She matched her corporate salary in just one year of starting her business.

Katelyn is also a soon-to-be wife, stepmom, dog mama of two furry friends, fitness lover, sports fanatic (Go Dawgs) and dreams of living at the beach.

Click here to book a free call to talk more about your business goals and to see if hiring an OBM is the right fit for you.