When starting your own business you’re more than likely doing it all on your own. You’re now the creative, the copywriter, the graphic designer, the content manager, the strategist, etc., and as you grow there will be a point where you simply can’t do it all anymore. At this point, you hire a team! It’s such a huge step in your business as you feel like you’re handing off parts of your baby to someone else. But yet it’s SO necessary for continued growth.
So far in 2020, I’ve spent $10,000 on my team support alone, and that’s not including what I’ve spent on business coaching. But yet I’ve grown to a revenue number I haven’t hit in the past two years. Working with multiple 6 and 7-figure business owners, I’ve also had the opportunity to manage their teams, upwards of 30 people. There’s one important element I’ve seen across the board in terms of helping your team and your business thrive, and that’s the culture you create among your team to support an engaged team and a growing brand.
How do you create an engaged team culture? There are a few things you can put into place in your business to help your team feel like they’re a part of your bigger vision. Here are my top tips!
How to Create an Engaged Team Culture
1. Share your larger vision with your team
Each team member likely has a very specific role they play on your team. They may create beautiful graphics, or schedule your content, or provide support to your client questions, or engage on social media, so they’re likely solely focused on those tasks you assign. One way to get them even more excited about the work they do for you is to share your larger vision. What is the bigger project their work is a part of? What is the goal of what they’re helping you create. I’m speaking to not only the specific project but your vision of your company as a whole. This will create more “buy-in” as they can see the role they play in the much bigger picture.
2. Have team values
Establish values for your business that also reflect the values you want your team to have as well. This will help you in the hiring process, as well as something to default back to within your work. For example, a value I have on my team is to double-check your work. This helps reduce mistakes and the back-and-forth of re-doing things, as well as requires my team to take ownership for their work. Another value I have is: Communication is key. Please OVER communicate. I cannot say enough about how important communication is in business and I think the more you communicate as a team, the less mistakes are made, and the more clarity your team has about a specific task or project. You get to determine what values are important to you, your business, and your team.
3. Provide a way to communicate as a team
Speaking of communication, provide an easy way to communicate with your team, whether it be individually or as a group. I love both Slack and RingCentral. Both are essentially instant messaging platforms where you can easily chat back and forth and therefore reduces the email clutter in your inbox and makes for quick replies to #getshitdone. Also, it may be helpful depending on the size of your team to have once a month, or once a quarter team calls to chat about upcoming projects and again share the vision you have for your brand.
4. Allow room for Creativity
Give your team ownership of their tasks and let them run with it! This is especially important as your team grows and you’re hiring more “specialized” team members who are really good at their niche. Share the overall vision and idea and let them use their own creativity to run with it and bring back something to you! The more your team gets to know what you like and don’t like, the more efficient they’ll be too!
These are just a few ideas for ways to cultivate a team culture for your brand. The more you make your team feel a part of an actual team, you’ll likely keep these team members around longer, build long-lasting relationships, and a way you can grow together to the next level. Do you have a team yet in your business?
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