How to Create a Killer Freebie Workflow that Brings in New Clients

As a service business, you want a simple, effective and almost effortless way to bring clients in the door, consistently. 

So you want to put successful Client Attraction on autopilot. You want to create a freebie workflow that you only have to touch once.

You want them consuming your freebie and reading your nurture sequence and thinking, “Man! If her free content is this good, imagine what I can learn if I pay her!”

That means your freebie needs to be FIRE. You want it and your emails to be your BEST stuff. People are often afraid of doing that because they think, “I can’t give away my secrets!” or “If I give it all away, why would they pay me??” 

But that’s NOT the case at all. 

The people you want to work with are those that are ready to pay. They’re done trying to take what you publish and figure it out on their own. So, fret not! Create that white-hot freebie and nurture sequence and get it out there for people to see how BRILLIANT you are!

How to Set Up an Effective Freebie Workflow

1. Freebie and Beyond…

Pull them in with freebies. But! They need to be HIGH-QUALITY. Everyone is throwing around free this and free that. But if you’re giving something of deep value, your freebie is going to get their attention. 

Then, once you have hooked them with that freebie, nurture them into staying by continuing to deliver high-value content in a 4-5 email sequence. This is your chance to let them get to know you and what you do so you can then, successfully, guide them to a paid offer. 

2. Offer Discounts

Inside your sequence, give them a reason to buy. Train them to click. Give them a discount… make them feel exclusive and that this offer is just for them. When they feel that exclusivity, you deepen the bonds of connection. You open the doors of trust. 

Pro tips: Make your copy present the discount as a “gift” and set a time limit on when your offer will expire! Your reader needs to feel that sense of urgency in order to feel compelled to buy it now.

3. More Than One

The money is in the… Follow up!
In the world of marketing, people need many touches to get them to say yes. They need to be convinced that yours is the real deal, Holyfield. So, don’t send them just a single email and expect that they’ve read it and been convinced that they should buy. Follow up with more information. Give them more and more reasons to say yes until that’s the only thing they can say!
Send them testimonials, answer their objections, remind them that their time on the offer is going to expire.

4. Didn’t Sell? That’s Okay!

They didn’t take you up on that fantastic offer??? You’re kidding! No worries! You have another chance… Downsell them. 

Make them an offer on something of lesser value. It could be that they just weren’t ready to invest that particular amount yet. By offering a variety of products or services, you’re showcasing your service and abilities! And offering that lower-cost item may be the push they need to say yes!

5. 8675309 Give Them Your “Number”

Jenny gave up her number. You should, too! Don’t be afraid to ask for them to connect with you on other platforms. Social media channels, podcasts, or other content is a great place to start. 

And don’t forget… no matter what you do… tell them WHY they want to connect with you there. Give them a reason to want to click. Don’t assume that because you gave them an invitation that they’ll be inclined to say yes. 

When you put this perfect workflow into place, you do the work once and then let the machine do the rest of the work for you… on repeat… while you tend to your clients and the 9M other things you need to do.

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Hi, I’m Katelyn. I am a strategic business coach for women who specializes in optimizing, streamlining and scaling multi-six and seven-figure businesses. I thrive on creating efficiencies and finding ways to streamline your business operations to help you achieve the business growth you’re chasing.