The phrase “ALL THE THINGS” has become the “it thing” to say right now. Now don’t get me wrong, I say it too, but I think sometimes we almost transform it into a badge of honor so to speak like we tend to glorify busy.
But I’m here to probably share an unpopular opinion.
I feel like I could stop right here and just let this be your permission slip, and mic drop, but I want to give you some tangible content, aka the HOW to stop doing all the things.
I don’t just mean like your daily to-do list. I mean your life. Seriously. Cut out all the shit that doesn’t work for you right now. That doesn’t fill you. That’s not a hell yes. That maybe was something that fit old you but not next level you. Make room for the things that matter, and cut out or reduce in frequency the things that don’t. This could include time with specific people, television, social media, certain clients (yes girl – you don’t have to work with sassy Karen anymore), etc. Truly sit down and make a list of what is important to you. You can break these down into categories such as family/home life, business/work life, health/fitness life, etc.
I say this a lot, but seriously stop trying to do everything and give the shit you don’t want to do or is repetitive in nature to someone else. The things you hate, someone else loves – so they’ll probably do it better and faster than you would anyways. Also, if you’re not sure what else to outsource, especially in your business, repetitive weekly tasks are a great place to start with a VA. I outsource all my blog posting, social media scheduling and email marketing to my VA. It’s freed up my time to focus on other, more important, things in my business that only I can do.
Take a vacation.
Seriously. Sometimes we need to just take a deep breath, refuel and remind ourselves why we started businesses in the first place. This will likely lead you back to figuring out your priorities and what’s important because when you go on vacation those non important things get left behind and you realize the world goes ‘round anyways. So take some time off. A day. A weekend. A week. A month. Whatever you need and just stop doing all the things. I think you’ll come back with a renewed perspective. I actually am currently doing the same as you’re reading this I am floating down a lazy river at a hotel in Aruba (#outofoffice).
I know that this feels so much easier said than done. But, I promise you, you need this. Stop the overwhelm and stop feeling stressed out about how many things you have to do. What’s one thing you’re going to let go of this week to reduce that list of #allthethings?
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